Financial advice to suit your needs now is great, but financial advice that suits your needs now and evolves with you over a lifetime, is the CWM edge.

We know that when it comes to you and your family, you want to make the “right decisions”. CWM is here to guide you through this process providing smart, personal advice that explores options and delivers flexible strategies. We bring you closer to your greater goal of financial wellbeing. We do this by using the latest tools and financial modelling to provide the most efficient and effective solution. At CWM, you’re in the driver’s seat; you decide the scope, level of advice and service you’d like and then we provide guidance, support and deliver a tangible plan. Some of the areas we provide advice on are:
Our detail-oriented nature likes to drill down into the nitty gritty of your finances… this is where our financial modelling really sets us apart. For most Australians, even those who earn a good salary, it often feels like there’s never enough cash to go around each month. Many people simply don’t understand the functional use of their money. CWM work with you to understand your cash flow position today, tomorrow and build a model that can ensure your financial position remains strong over a lifetime.
Choosing where to invest your money to create wealth can be a difficult decision and, let’s face it, financial terms and jargon can be complicated and tedious. CWM removes these obstacles to create a clear direction for your unique financial situation. Our fact-finding process allows us to fully assess your position, your attitude to risk, your goals and then design your unique portfolio.
Superannuation continues to be a tax effective environment for saving and investing for the future. With legislation continually evolving in this area, qualified advice is key to creating your retirement nest egg. Outside of the family home, superannuation is the largest investment most Australians will have, so we’ll work with you to make the most of it.
Self-managed superannuation funds are not right for everyone but they are an attractive option for people who want to be actively involved in the investment and management of their superannuation. It also carries an increased burden of responsibility that requires sound personal advice. We’ll provide you with strategic, and investment advice and support to set up and manage your self-managed superannuation fund.
If you are thinking about retirement, whether complete or partial, one of the most important things to think about is how you are going to maintain and fund your lifestyle.
Throughout your life your financial decisions will almost always have some tax implications. Superannuation is a prime example of this. In life, it is a tax advantageous investment vehicle. In your death, your superannuation could be used to provide a tax effective income stream for your family and dependants. Your adviser will work with tax agents for any specific tax matters however, when we talk about your financial plan, we are taking all this into consideration.
Without a suitable Will, any efforts you have made to secure your family’s future may be jeopardised. A basic DIY Will may not cover all aspects of an effective estate plan or worse, result in ‘intestacy’. Many Australians fail to realise that their superannuation is not covered by their Will. Your CWM adviser works with you on estate planning, ensuring your nominations around your superannuation are clear, that all assets are distributed according to your wishes and to identify special considerations that may need to be built into your Will. CWM has a network of specialists who are consulted where required.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. We thrive on clients calling us to ask, “what do you think?” and being able to provide out of the box solutions to any financial question. So why not do the same… we’d love to help.