David Titley
Lending Specialist
Credit Representative Number 476786
Education and accreditations
- Diploma of Finance & Mortgage Management
- Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning
- Full Member of FBAA and AFCA
Employed at Calder Finance Broking since
- 21 May 2023

about me
I grew up in the SA Mallee on a broadacre farm with my three siblings enjoying the freedom of lots of space. After finishing high school, I moved to Adelaide to pursue tertiary study. With a natural knack for numbers, I have been in the financial services industry for over 10 years, with a focus on financial planning and mortgage broking.
I am lucky enough to be married with a beautiful wife and young 2.5 year old daughter which is keeping us both busy. We love to travel both locally and intrenationally when we get the chance, and relish getting out on weekends to enjoy all of Adelaide and its regions it has to offer. When I get to, I love going fishing and playing golf - two pastimes I haven't seen enough of in recent years.
What do you enjoy most about finance broking?
Interaction with my clients is the best part of the job. I enjoy asking the right questions to find out what people need from their finance requirements and why, then finding the best solution for their individual circumstances. The feeling never gets old when I get to call a client and let them know their loan is approved or the house they have just bought settled, it is not about the loan itself, it is the house they have just bought and the emotion this gives the client. Usually, they want to raise a family in that house or buy that investment property to help build wealth. Ultimately, it comes down to choice, if I can help people to reach some of these goals this makes me happy.
What’s the biggest challenge?
No two clients are ever the same, but this is also a positive of the job which keeps it interesting. Lending policy is always changing, some banks have an appetite for certain clients or transactions, this is why enabling my clients to have all the information and options upfront will always get a better outcome.
What quality of yours makes you best suited to what you do?
Simply put, I am a people person. I get along with people very well, I have great empathy and can see things from different points of view. I get a real buzz out of educating people and can explain complex things concisely so people understand and can make informed decisions.
What professional accomplishments are you most proud of?
At the age of 30 I decided to switch into Financial Services after running the farm with my old man for a few years. Completing the study to become a Financial Planner and Mortgage Broker at a later age is something that I am proud of. It has allowed me to educate people and find solutions to put many people in a better position over the last 10 years.
What do you love to do outside of work?
Outside of work I like to spend time with friends and family,. Having a child has been very rewarding and challenging at the same time! I spend a lot of time hanging out with mates watching AFL whilst the kids run around in the backyard. During the warmer months we like to spend time at the beach and stopping at the many playgrounds along the way.
How should people think about their lending?
Lending provides people the option of being able to achieve their goals, be it a house, a vehicle or an investment. It is important to review your lending every couple of years as things can change in a person's situation in a short amount of time (priorities, jobs, relationship status, etc). Rates are often changing too so what was competitive may no longer be the case, this is why I like to check in regularly with my clients to make sure they are still in a loan that suits their needs.
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
To get comfortable with being uncomfortable and always be learning something new, this is applicable to both personal and professional life.
What is your career highlight:
There have been so many, every week I get a kick out of knowing I can educate and help put my clients in a better position financially.