Oct 24, 2022

The cost of trying to time the market

The impact of being out of the market for a short time can be profound, as shown by this hypothetical investment in the stocks that up the S&P / ASX 300 Index, a broad Australian stock market benchmark. Staying invested and focused on the long term helps to ensure that you're in position to captire what the market has to offer.

    • A hypotetical $1,000 investment made in 2000 turns into $4,932 for the 22-year period ending 30 June 2022.

    • Over that 22-year period, miss the S&P / ASX 300's best week, which ended 30 March 2020, and the value shrinks to $4,328. Miss the best three months, which ended 23 June 2020, and the total return falls to $3,742.

    • There's no proven way to time the market - targeting the nest days os moving to the sidelines to avoid the worst - so the evidence suggests staying put through good times and bad.


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 *Source: Dimensional Fund Advisors

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